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Moisture Balance Analyzer 0.001g

Product Numbers: MOAN-1003

Product Specifications: 0.001g

Product Units: 110g

2017/6/15Look Select

Automatic Halogen Moisture Balance Analyzer

Product Numbers: MOAN-2105

Product Specifications: Capacity: 110g-210g

Product Units: Temp range: 40-230 Degree

Product Remark: moisture Range: 0.00%-100%

2015/11/20Look Select

Moisture Balance,Halogen Moisture Analyzer

Product Numbers: MOAN-1002

Product Specifications: 0.002g

Product Units: Temp.range: 40-199℃

Product Remark: Moisute Range: 0.0%-100%

2012/8/22Look Select

Halogen Moisture Analyzer, Moisture Balance

Product Numbers: MOAN-1001

Product Specifications: Range: 110g*90mm

Product Units: Resoluiton:0.005g

2012/8/17Look Select

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